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Accounting / Audit Related Complaints or Concerns

The purposeful, unethical or questionable recording of accounting or auditing matters. Examples may include: fraud; deliberate errors related to financial statements; non-compliance with accounting controls; misinterpretations or false statements to or by senior officers regarding financial records; or deviation from full and fair reporting of the company's financial condition.

Bribery and Kickbacks

The offering or acceptance of money or other incentives to persuade someone to do something, especially something illegal or unethical.


Habitually aggressive behavior that involves unwanted, negative actions intended to purposefully hurt, frighten, threaten, or exclude a particular person or group of people. This may include verbal harassment, physical assault, or coercion.

Code of Conduct Violation

Violation relating to the organization's code of conduct.

Compliance with Laws, Rules, and Regulations

Matters related to non-compliance with laws, rules, and regulations affecting the Organization's activities and operations.

Conflict of Interest

A situation where a person in a position of trust has competing professional or personal interests which can make it difficult to impartially perform the assigned job duties.


The denial of normal privileges or rights to one or more individuals based on an individual's race, color, ancestry, ethnicity, gender (sex), age, religion, national origin, level of education, political affiliation, physical appearance or disability, marital status, or sexual orientation.

Disclosure or Misappropriation of Confidential Information

Unauthorized and unlawful disclosure or misappropriation of corporately owned intellectual property or trade secrets and other "confidential information" including but not limited to corporate, employee, competitor, and customer information; marketing and other corporate databases; and business plans.

Employee Relations

Any issues related to the way employees work with each other, their supervisors/managers, and the company. Examples include job related actions like promotions, job or shift changes, terminations, disciplinary actions and performance issues.


The preferential treatment of certain employees over others based on subjective criteria  or borne out of a conflict of interest unrelated to job performance, qualifications, or business needs. This includes but is not limited to: preferential scheduling, unwarranted promotions, exclusive opportunities, or biased decision-making.

Financial Concerns

Any concern that is financially related to a student, an employee, a staff member or the Organization as a whole.


The deceitful practice of obtaining money or property through intentional use of false pretenses, false documents, or misrepresentation. An illegal conversion of assets or property of value to one's own use.

Gifts and Entertainment

Offering, solicitation, or accepting of items from current or potential vendors, customers or other third parties in a capacity as an employee of the company.


Unwanted, on-going verbal or physical behavior of an inappropriate nature. The unwarranted threat to cause bodily harm to another person or harm to another person's property. Examples may include acts of threatening, intimidating, stalking, taunting, gesturing, staring, pestering, hang-up telephone calls, obscene telephone calls, postal mail, or e-mails.

Intellectual Property

The unauthorized or illegal use of the company's intellectual property rights to include but not limited to copyrights, patents, and trade secrets.


Calculated and/or intentionally unlawful and unethical behavior. Misconduct can be any conscious attempt to infringe a statute or norm.


Mismanagement is characterized by a pattern of poor decision-making, lack of oversight, or unethical conduct that results in harm to a company, including but not limited to: financial loss, operational inefficiency, or damage to the company's reputation. This includes but is not limited to: misallocation of resources, neglecting employee wellbeing, neglecting managerial duties and violating company policies or laws.

Protection of Privacy and Personal Data, and Security of Network and Information Systems

Concerning the processing of personal data and the protection of privacy in the electronic communications sector, protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, measures for a high common level of security of network and information systems across the Union.

Quality Concerns

Concerns regarding the quality assurance and/or control processes that provide confidence in the suitability of an item for its intended purpose.


Any form of discrimination involving action(s) against an individual because he or she has either opposed an unlawful employment practice or made a charge, testified, assisted or participated in an investigation, proceeding or hearing involving employment discrimination.

Safety Concerns

Any workplace condition that potentially compromises the health, safety, and well-being of employees, customers, vendors, or visitors of the organization. Such conditions may include: poor lighting or signage; unstable stacking or storage of materials, product, or equipment; exposure to hazardous materials or contaminants; exposure to excessive noise; lack of protection against weather elements; walkways, floors, or stairways in disrepair; or unnecessary exposure to dangerous machinery. In some cases, such workplace conditions are unlawful.

Sexual Misconduct/Inappropriate behavior

Non-consensual, intentional physical conduct of a sexual nature, such as unwelcome physical contact. Lack of consent may be inferred from the use of force, threat, physical intimidation, or advantage gained by the victim's mental or physical incapacity or impairment of which the perpetrator was aware or should have been aware.


The illegal taking of property belonging to someone else without consent. The intent is to permanently deprive the owner of property and then use this property as one's own.

Unfair Labor Practices

A labor practice that is in, or purported to be in, violation of collective bargaining agreements/contracts between employees and employers. The issues of concern may be environmental working conditions, safety, schedule, leave, security, wages, overtime pay, tenure, seniority, age, handicaps of workers, strikes, boycotts, picketing, discipline, representation, elections, fringe benefits, or grievances.

Unprofessional Behavior

Behavior that violates a norm or policy of expected behavior in the workplace, typically directed towards other individuals or to the company.

Workplace Violence

Any instance in which an employee has exhibited inappropriate behaviors or engaged in conduct that compromises the safety of all of those concerned. An outward demonstration by an individual with the objective to impose harm, injury, or damage to person(s) and/or their property.

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